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Ecology Reporting

Ecology reporting may be required for a planning application, or to comply with the Eco 1-4 categories within the Code for Sustainable Homes.

These conditions and requirements are put in place to encourage development on land that already has limited ecological value to wildlife, and discourage the development of ecologically valuable sites.

Where valuable features are found, steps must be taken to either maintain, protect or improve the features throughout the development process.Ecology Reporting

Our ecologists are highly qualified and experienced in delivering reports for Code and the planning process, as well as being full members of IEEM (Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management). Importantly, our skilled and knowledgeable ecologists can maximise credit points where possible,

We can undertake ecological surveys for a range of sites from single plot developments and social housing schemes to retail and education developments. We can also undertake habitat management and planting plans if required.

Do I need Ecology Reporting?

If you wish to achieve any of the Eco credits it is highly likely that an ecological report will be required. If a biodiversity or ecology requirement is conditioned on a planning application then a report will also be required.

In cases where a client is subject to both a planning condition, and Code for Sustainable Homes condition, we can ensure that both items are covered by one document to remove duplication.

A small number of sites may be able to gain the Eco 1 credit by completing the relevant checklists, but for many sites it will be necessary to instruct a suitably qualified ecologist.

Want to discuss your Ecology reporting requirement?

Just give us a call on [xyz-ihs snippet=”Dorset-Phone-Number”] or send us your enquiry – we’ll get straight back to you.

Recent Projects

"For the last few years I have relied upon the professionalism and knowledge of the team at Build Energy to provide economic solutions to meet and improve on current Building Regulations.  I look forward to a continued working relationship with them on our future developments."

Stuart Wright
- Driftstone Homes

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