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Sound Insulation Testing – The Info

Build Energy are equipped to test any residential, commerical or public building through its team of experienced sound engineers.

Sound Testing was introduced via the 2000 Building Regulations Document E ‘Resistance to the Passage of Sound’, and evaluates and checks the validity of a partitioning structure separating two adjoining residential developments.sound insulation testing

How does Sound Insulation Testing work?

Part E applies to both new build constructions and refurbished developments.

The Sound Testing procedure takes the form of both Airborne and Impact testing. The number of tests required is dependent on the layout of your build and how many separating walls and floors you have.

Testing should take place as early as possible so that any issues can be ironed out. Carpets should not be fitted until a pass has been achieved.

How many test do I need?

Pre-Completion Sound Testing has different performance standards depending on the type of development.

To comply with the requirements of Approved Document E of the Building Regulations, the minimum test programme is for one set of tests for every 10 dwellings, unless Building Control have other specific requirements.

A full set consists of 2 floor tests(2 x airborne and 2 x impact) and 2 wall tests (airborne).

It is also possible to use Robust Details as an alternative to testing.

It is strongly recommended that any programme of tests is discussed with and approved by your Building Control Body before commencement of tests on site, as they are the ultimate authority on this.

Recent Projects

"We have been working with BE on numerous projects, as they provide us with a great level of service. The solutions provided as part of the planning and building regs process are always cost efficient and realistic which benefits our clients. When it comes to the construction phase, the site assistance provided by BE in relation to the air and sound testing is always well received from our appointed contractors."

Ian Forster
- Union Architecture

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