A SAP test, or SAP Calculation is required for all new homes in the UK, whether that is a new build or conversion of an existing building.
We work with developers, self builders and contractors across the UK to ensure their projects are not only compliant, but also perform for the occupants. Our job is to ensure that the homes delivered meet the minimum Part L and new Part O requirements – we do this by engaging early with our clients to outline the options and design-in the most cost effective solutions.
Successful SAP Tests Start Early!
Whether you are designing a new build, conversion or extension, we will guide you through the SAP Assessment process with straight forward advice and simple support every time.
It is important to note, however, that we can take even more of the heavy lifting off your shoulders by getting involved early. This doesn’t cost any more, in fact it is likely to save you thousands of pounds.
We work with our clients from very early in the design process to shape construction, HVAC and renewables design. This work ensures that any issues are ironed out before they become a headache.
The latest Part L regulations provide further challenges to designers and builders alike.
Building fabric is being driven to higher and higher performance. New Co2 emission targets mean that renewable technologies and efficient controls may now need to be considered for even the most basic of homes.
A SAP Test made easy….
- Everything you need – From Design Stage PEA reports to As-Built EPC
- Guaranteed design compliance – We wont leave you with a non-compliant design
- Experienced assessors to guide you through
- One fixed fee – no hidden extras
- We will address Part O Overheating compliance alongside your SAP Test
- Discounted fees for Air Tightness and Ventilation Testing
- Discounts for multiple units
What is a SAP Test?
SAP is the standard procedure for the energy assessment of dwellings, as set by the UK government. A SAP test, or assessment, measures CO2 emissions, energy costs and thermal performance of building elements.
If you are creating new dwellings you will be asked to provide a SAP assessment with your building regulations application. This will usually be raised by your Building Control Officer.
You may also require a SAP assessment if you are extending or renovating a property, or instigating a change of use. This may for example involve creating flats from a single dwelling or a barn conversion.
For further reading see….
- What Are SAP Calculations?
- Need help with an Extension or Conversion?
Can we help with your project?
Call us on 0330 0553405 or email be@buildenergy.co.uk and we’ll be delighted to help!