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Want to Help Change a Life?

11 Sep 2013 at 9:04 AM

Some of you may know that Pete and his wife Sarah took on the Great South Run last year in aid of the Guide Dogs organisation – raising over £1000!Guide Dogs

Well we continue to support Guide Dogs, and this year Build Energy has embarked on a mission to raise £5,000 through our new ‘Name a Puppy’ fund.

We are aiming to raise the money over the next 18 months through events and our regular contributions – this will allow us to name our own puppy and support him or her through the crucial first 20 months of life.

We’ll get to meet our puppy and pass on regular updates to our supporters – we hope that ultimately this dog will change someones life.

Why Guide Dogs?Sue

Pete’s Auntie, Sue Ashdown passed away a year ago after battling breast cancer – she was a truly inspirational person who worked and fundraised for Guide Dogs over many years.

Sue was blind since childhood, and had her own life transformed by several amazing guide dogs. We were able to see first hand how important the funding of Guide Dogs is – the organisation truly changes lives, offering independance to both children and adults with impaired sight.

Guide dog in harness

It costs £50,000 to fund a guide dog through its life – and the organisation relies entirely on donations to operate. Every penny you can give counts – thank you.

We would be incredibly grateful for any contribution you can make at


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