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Water Efficiency Calculations

Do you need to provide water efficiency calculations for a planning application or building control?

Build Energy can provide quick, easy and bespoke reporting to get you through – whether you need water efficiency calculations for Part G regulations, or the equivalent level to satisfy a planning condition.

Why Do You Need Water Efficiency Calculations?

Building regulations demand that new dwellings meet the minimum 125 litres per-person-per-day limit. This applies to internal ‘potable’ water. If the development is subject to a planning condition, you may also be required to reduce internal potable water use further, often to 105 litres. This is at the discretion of the local authority.

Water use is demonstrated by producing calculations, based on occupancy, fittings and flow rates.

A number of measures can be taken to reduce indoor water use. Flow restrictors are a convenient means to retrofit existing fittings. Low flow shower heads, low flush WCs or even smaller baths may be fitted.

Efficient appliances, grey water and rainwater recycling can also be specified. We can suggest solutions and products which are efficient, practical and cost effective.

The Water Efficiency Calculator for New Dwellings

Our bespoke water efficiency calculations are based on “The Water Efficiency Calculator for New Dwellings” – The Governments national calculation methodology. This provides clear, concise information for both you and Building Control including:

  • Notice of Water Efficiency as required by 37(1)
  • Summary page together with all corresponding completed tables
  • Separate “Design” (including Builders check list) and “As Built” Reports

Would you like to discuss your project?

Call us for a chat on 0330 055 34 05 or email

Recent Projects

"We have been working with BE on numerous projects, as they provide us with a great level of service. The solutions provided as part of the planning and building regs process are always cost efficient and realistic which benefits our clients. When it comes to the construction phase, the site assistance provided by BE in relation to the air and sound testing is always well received from our appointed contractors."

Ian Forster
- Union Architecture

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